6 Cool Cory Catfish You Need To Know About!
- Dec 29, 2024
- Anshika Mishra
- 39 0 0
In this article, we'll be talking about the five awesome Cory cats that you need to know about. However, before we dive in, do know that all the catfishes we are talking about here will stay between 2 and 2.5 inches.
Sterbai Cory Catfish
These are one of the best catfishes in the hobby. They have great coloration with cougar skin and some orange on their pectoral fins. These are are an awesome deisgn of a cory cat.
Panda Cory Catfish
These fishes look like little Pandas or Racoons with the black coloration on their face, tails, and fins that make a unique addition to your tank.
Red Venezuelan Cory Catfish
These fishes add nice orange coloration to your tank. However, they are a little shy. So you can find them hiding behind decorations and logs all day long. When they are feeling especially energetic, you can also see them swimming top and then back down again.
Salt N' Pepper Cory
The Salt N' Pepper Cory are also great addition wither their awesome coloration and personlity. They are great for a lush jungle tank and make great tank mates with peaceful fishes like Tetras and Angels. They will also rummage around your tank and help pick cynobacteria.
Black Venezuelan Cory
These are pretty much the same fish with a little different color pattner.
Albino Cory Catfish
This is agian a popular catfish. They have a very similar body plan to the Venezuelan Cory. So, if you want to add a little bit of different coloraiton to your fish then they make a great option.
Like all other fishes in the fish, get at least six of these in your tank. They are a schooling fish and appriciate being in groups. You can also mix and match most of these fishes together without any species.
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