Achilles Tang/Surgeonfish: a complete care guide
- Feb 12, 2021
- Anshika Mishra
- 1810 0 0
Achilles Tang, also known as Surgeonfish, is one of the most expensive Tang that you can get in the market. But it can be the most beautiful centerpiece fish of your marine tank too. If you're willing to get one of these fish in your tank, then down below is all that you need to know beforehand and provide it the best captive life in your aquarium.
Achilles Tang
As mentioned before, it is not a budget fish. If you want to get one, you will have to spend at least $200 for it.
You will definitely be needing a 180-gallon or bigger tank for keeping this fish. It needs at least 6-foot of room, and that is a huge size, but since Achilles Tang is a hyperactive Tang that loves to swim back and forth all the time, this size is just okay for it.
Along with being a costly fish, it is also a fish that only experts can keep. It would be best if you had kept fishes before getting this one in your tank because you don't want this costly fish to die in your tank. Furthermore, this fish requires a lot more care than most of the other marine aquarium fishes.
It can be semi-aggressive sometimes. It is a Tang, so it will basically become the king or queen of the tank whenever other new fish are added. It will definitely check the new fishes out.
But it is recommended to keep just this one Tang in the tank because if there are other Tangs in the tank, they will pick up fights against each other every once in a while, and that can be stressful for the fishes as well as you.
It is a majestic reef fish to add to your reef tank. It will be nice to the corals in the tank and will not cause any problems like nibling etc.
Temperature: 72-78 degrees Fahrenheit
dKH: 8-12
pH: 8.1-8.4
Salinity: 1.020-1.025
While keeping this fish, you need to keep the water quality as good as possible. They require stable water parameters. Any water parameters that are way out of line can be lethal to the fish, it can get sick, and it is not easy to heal it quickly.
They are herbivore fish. Make sure that you are feeding them plenty of sea-vegies. They will also like too much on meaty foods like brine shrimp, Mysis, etc. You also have to feed these fish algae once a day. It will keep them healthy, and the colors on them are beautiful.
It can get up to 8-inches, which is a massive Tang, but it would take about three to five years to grow to that size.
These fishes are of a dark black color with a super pretty orange outline. It is one of the most beautiful fish in the hobby, and that is one of the main reasons it is so costly.
They are from Hawaii, which is another reason for their high price.
Make Sure
You will have to face some troubles while feeding them because it is hard to get them to eat. So, while buying them, see for yourself what they are eating. You also want to have plenty of current in the tank to give them the home-like feeling.
If you see them ick, getting to the fish store is recommended because getting them back to healthy is no game. It can get serious and die if it haves ick a long time.
Also, make sure that you do not use copper minerals in your tank while you have them in it because it can be horrible for its immune system.
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