All About the Conspicuous Angelfish
- Dec 05, 2022
- Anshika Mishra
- 340 0 0
Here we are learning about a very rare Angelfish, the Conspicuous Angelfish.
Price: These fishes look pretty in the tank set, but they do come with a very hefty price. You can find them for $3500. The rarer variant can even go up to $10,000.
Tank Size: Eventually, you'll need a 250-gallon tank, and you need plenty of room for this Angelfish. They get huge, and they are active around the tank.
Care Level: Expert Level. These fishes are very particular about their water parameters and food.
Temperament: Semi-agressive. They are Angelfish and very large ones. So they do become the kings and queens of the tank. They can also be territorial over certain places in the rock structure and also just very aggressive when eating too. So, make sure you put them with other fishes that can hold their own and not get beat up.
Reef Compatibility: With caution. Especially with Angelfish because they can be very picky on the corals. They'll pick on the Clam mantels, the Zoas, and any type of LPS coral. They'll go in there and see them as snacks and start eating.
Maximum Size: For this huge Angelfish, they can get up to a foot long, sometimes even larger.
Colors: As a juvenile, they are not every-catching, but as they grow, they have a bright yellow head with black, browns, and greys all fading out throughout its body. So, it's really pretty when they get bigger.
Water Parameter
Temperature: 72-78
dKH: 8-12
pH: 8.1-8.4
Salinity: 1.023-1.025
Keeping these parameters in check is very important. It's also vital to keep up with your Amonia, Nitrites, adn Nitrates because if they start to spike they can really hurt this fish.s
Acclimating these fishes in the tank is also very important. You want to so a slow acclimation for them, whatever you do for regular fish, double the duration.
They are an omnivore. Also make sure they have plenty of live rock to graze on and feed them dry seaweed. This will keep them healthy, disease away and overall health in check.
On the same side, you also need to feed them plenty of meaty food. They will eventually eat flakes and pellets. But you want to keep very green adn meaty stuff in thier diet.
Being an Angelfiehs, this fish will be territorial. But bigger tanks will make them less territorial. They can be kept with other Angelfish.
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