All about the Silver Moony Fish
- Jul 04, 2022
- Anshika Mishra
- 1004 0 0
In this article, we learn about a fish now seen often in many aquariums, the Silver Monny, also known as Mono Fish or Moon Fish.
Prices: You can usually expect to spend about $40 to get a decent-sized one. But, if you want a larger one, they will cost a little bit more.
Tank Size: It is recommended to keep them in at least a 120-gallon just because of their sizes as they get older. Especially if you do get a school of smaller ones, they will need plenty of room as they get bigger.
Care Level: Moderate. Most of the problems come from their difficulty getting them to eat initially. So, make sure you ask your supplier what they are feeding them. Or, if you are buying them online, make sure to have a good variety of food at your house. This way, you can feed multiple things to determine what it likes.
Temperament: Sem-agressive. They are a very active swimmer. They can be a little dangerous towards your other peaceful fish as they constantly swim back and forth. In addition, they can be a little intimidating to other tankmates. A lot of times, they will hide because this fish will swim so crazily around the tank.
They can also get territorial. So, keep an eye on it if you start to see that.
Reef Compatibility: You will not have a problem with this fish in a reef tank. They never mess with any of the corals. So, if you want to put a school of them in the reef tank, they do well.
Water Parameter
- Temperature: 72-78
- dKH: 8-12
- pH: 8.1-8.4
- Salinity: 1.020-1.025
These fish can even be salty. So they are found all over the world. Most of these Moony schools are located in saltwater. But, it can also be found in the streams where it starts to end up in lakes where there's a lit more Brackish water in between.
Their beautiful colors are a big reason why everybody wants them. It caught their eye. They have a very reflective shiny silver body on them. As they are swimming crazily around the tank, it will catch your eye.
Along with the silver body, they have an incredible yellow find on edge. So, they are eye-catcher in the tank.
These are omnivore fishes. So, you can feed them various meaty food like Brine shrimp, Mysis, ad more. Some will go after the algae on a clip whenever they provide their tank. So, they are an overall eater, but you want to ensure that you have some excellent meaty food in there for the fish to eat.
They can be bullies to peaceful fishes and newcomers. But, overall, they do good in many different kinds of tanks. People put them in predator tanks as they do get very large.
They are schooling fish. So, you can get multiple of them in a tank. Usually, try to get odd numbers.
But, if you only want to get one, they also do good by themselves in the tank. So, you can go either way.
In Conclusion
Overall, the Silver Moonies are great fish to have in the tank, especially if you want a nice, very colorful schooling fish in your tank.
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