Aquarium Frequently Asked Questions
- Apr 26, 2022
- Arianna Rizzi
- 573 0 0
How many fish can an aquarium tank hold?
Normally, we emphasize an inch of fish per gallon of water. However, this alone is not sufficient to calculate the number of fish that proves best for an aquarium tank. Various variables like the dimension of the aquarium tank, type of fish you intend keeping, number of live plants within, and similar features play a huge role. Live plants consume nitrate and it is possible to accommodate more small fish in such an aquarium tank.
What water is best for an aquarium tank?
Plain tap water is best for an aquarium tank. You can use water conditioner to remove chlorine present in water. Check pH content of the water by using a pH kit. Fish adapt best with pH levels ranging between six and eight.
How often is it necessary to clean my aquarium?
Frequency of aquarium cleaning depends on the type and size of the aquarium, number of fish within, filtration equipment in use, and cleaning procedures. One popular cleaning technique is to change ten percent of the water every week.
In aquarium tanks with an under-gravel filter, bare-bottoms, or with gravel at the bottom, vacuuming out accumulated debris while changing the water is essential. You must change and clean filters every fortnight. However, never clean biological filter media, as it supports the beneficial bacteria population within the aquarium. If there is any clogging in the biological filter media, flushing with a bucket of aquarium water is best. Algae removal can be according to necessity. Refrain from excessive cleaning, as your hand or other cleaning equipment resemble predators and cause stress to fish.
How do I remove white deposits on aquarium tank and filters?
White deposits on the aquarium tank and filters are calcium carbonate. These are alkaline in nature and treating them with lime juice is best. White vinegar is also a good option. However, do not use any chemicals, as these could harm your fish if they come in contact with aquarium water.
How to detect pregnancy in fish?
Livebearer varieties of fish like platies, guppies, and swordtails produce babies. Females of these species develop a heavier abdomen with a dark spot at the base. This proves to be an indication. In other varieties of fish, females lay eggs and males fertilize them later.
How to protect young Fish?
Normally, parent fish and other fish in the aquarium eat fry. Therefore, use a special plastic rearing chamber or a breeding net to keep fry separate from other fish in the aquarium. You can hang this in the aquarium. Adding many live plants or fine-leaved plastic plants can provide many hiding places for fry.
How often should I feed fish?
Fish need food every day or on alternate days. The amount of food should be the equivalent to the amount they can eat in two minutes. The stomach of fish is very small, just the size of its eye. Notice the amount of food your fish really consumes as sometimes it will keep gobbling food and thereafter spit it in the water. Food leftover in water rots and causes many diseases.
Is it necessary to have an aquarium heater and thermometer?
An aquarium heater is a thermostat and regulates water temperatures when necessary. Fish cannot tolerate temperature fluctuations in their water. The heater maintains controlled temperature and ensures suitable water conditions for fish to live without any stress. An aquarium thermometer in your tank can indicate if your heater is working properly.
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