Beau Gregory Damsel: All you need to know
- Sep 22, 2020
- Anshika Mishra
- 2544 0 0
Beau Gregory Damsel fish/ Dusky Damsel
This is a great beginner fish for people who are new to saltwater fish keeping. This one is ideal to keep because it is very hardy and does really good on eating.
All About
PRICES: You will normally spend not more than $10 for one of these fish.
TANK SIZE: It is recommended to keep them in at least a 30-gallon, for one.
CARE LEVEL: They are very easy like said before, it is a really good beginner fish to start with.
TEMPRAMENT: They are very aggressive. Dameselfish does have a bad tendency to have a very aggressive personality, especially when they get older.
REEF COMPATIBILITY: Yes! they do great in a reef tank.
TEMPERATURE: 72-78 degrees, but it would be good if you could just always keep it stable on 78-degrees.
dKH: 8-12
pH: 8.1- 8.4
SALINITY: 1.020-1.025
MAXIMUM SIZE: They will not get any bigger than 2-inches.
COLORS: They have an alluring bright yellow body with good looking blue head. They look very pretty, especially under some LED lights.
DIET: They are omnivore, these guys will eat pretty much anything that you will drop in the tank. They are like little Phiranas, going after stuff. You can feed them anything
- Brine shrimps
- Mysis
- Frozen cubes
- Flakes are also good for them espceailly if you are beginner feeding these fish
- Pellets
ORIGIN: They come from a lot of different places, mostly in the Florida, Gulf of Mexico, Brazil and from Indonesia.
COMPATIBILITY: These fishes can be housed in groups, but realize as they do get older they do tend to get very aggressive. So, if you have got a bunch of them in a group then there will be a bunch of kings and queens in the tank trying to be dominant and territorial over the areas. Just keep this is mind when thinking about how many of them to get.
Agression and Tankmates
Their aggressiveness isn't noramly towards your bigger fishes like you Tangs, Angels and puffers; those normally do fine. The problems would occur with the Gobbie, Clownfish, etc; these are the fish that it chases around as it gets in the little spot that it likes.
As a result you will end up with fins all messed up and stresed out fish because they are going running and chasing them down.
They can be kept with other Damesels, they do good together in the tank. These fish's aggression is equivalent to the Blue Devil Damesel fish, they are going to run everything and they are going to check out every new fish that gets added to the aquarium.
If you want other fishes in your tank too; it is recommended to add these fishes at the last. But if you are planning to have a tank just for Damelsels, you can definitely put multipes of them and they will do fine with them.
Live Rocks
You want to make sure to have tons of live rocks in the tank, this will definitely help them in being less aggressive. Whenever you notice them getting territorial and getting used to the tank, finding the areas they like; a lot of time when there is a bunch of rocks in there it will keep that aggression down because they can't just hold all of it 24/7.
Beginner fish
Beau Gregory Dameselfish is pretty good beginner fish because they are very hardy. they do great fish to practice on acclimating, if you have never done it before. They are a stong fish along with being good about eating. A lot of time saltwater fish will have problems whenever you try to get them to eat, but with this fish that would not be any issue.
If you are willing to have other fish in your tank like Tangs ot Gobbies. It is good to keep just one in a 30-gallon tank, if you put a lot of them in a single tank then you will end up only having left with these Damesels, because they are very aggressive and it would not allow other fishes to be on the tank later times.
Great choice for aggressive tanks
They do pretty well in aggressive tanks, a lot of people who like Triggers, Puffers and a lot bigger fishes, these fish do pretty well in there because they can hold on their own. So, if you are looking for a very colorful fish to put in those tanks that are just live rock and really aggressive fish, the this would be a good choice to get.
They are a very pretty fish, if you looking for a fish to just start off with, then these make a really good choice.
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