Darter Tetra Care Guide
- Dec 04, 2022
- Anshika Mishra
- 892 0 0
The Darter Tetra was first described in 1866. However, there is still a lot of confusion surrounding them because their genes contain more than one species.
They are a monophyletic group, meaning that unless newly identified, most published records of their species have been attributed to a Fasciatum. So, for over a century, most Darter Tetras have been called Fasciatum. Therefore, it is more like Umbrella terms covering many different species.
However, in 2015, three studies identified up to 60 other species of Darter Tetras. But this didn't make it mainstream, and most Darter Tetras are still exported as likes or the band Darter Tetras.
Water Parameters
These fishes can be found all over Brazil, deep in the jungle to Coastal Tributaries. This means that they are very undemanding in water parameters. Therefore, any tropical aquarium setup would be just fine for them.
However, they'll appreciate a couple of weeks to a year in cooler water. So, you can unplug the heater every December, let the water get to room temperature for a couple of weeks, and then plug it back in, and they'll be good to go.
Tanks Size
Size-wise, adults can get two to three inches. While they are a social species, they can even be seen schooling on occasion. The males can be kind of territorial. Once established in the aquarium, they'll create their territories. So, you don't want to keep many of these in smaller aquariums.
So, you don't want a group of 20 in a 20-gallon tank.
Add Life to Your Tank
Darters are extremely curious fishes, constantly inspecting and looking around. They purchase up on their large pectoral fins and scope out of place. They are one of the few fish that can move their head.
So they are fascinating fish, and an aquarium filled with these goofballs will not disappoint you.
Feeding them is very easy. They love live and frozen foods. However, they'll gladly accept flakes or any prepared food.
Tankmates, they'll do good with any peaceful community fish. They spend most of their time in the bottom third of the aquarium. So keep that in mind.
In Conclusion
Overall, it is an undemanding, simple to take care of fish that will not disappoint you.
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