Dilectis Dottyback: Complete Care Guide

In this article, you will be learning everything about the Dilectis Dottyback, also eminent as the Sri Lanka Dottyback. They are a great fish to have if you are a beginner looking for a spectacular fish or experts and are on the lookout for a new addition to your tank.

Dilectis Dottyback: Care Guide

Prices: You will not have to spend more than $35 to get one of these in your tank. 

Tank Size: You need at least 30-gallon to house one, and you definitely want a larger tank if you want to house multiple of these fish in it.

Care Leve: Super Easy! These fish tend to eat quickly when introduced to the tank, and they are also very hardy fish to have. So, if you are a beginner and looking for a fish with some nice colors, this one is a really good one to get, especially the orange, as it can be a very difficult color to find in saltwater fish.

Temperament: They are semi-agressive. They can be a big-time bully to other fishes in the tank. They are very territorial over the spots in the tank where they like to dwell in. They are some cave dwellers, so they are in the cave most of the time, and they come out to eat, swim in the open, and then go back to their spot.

So, whenever any fish swim by their place, they will bulk up at them.

With bigger fishes like Tangs and Angels, you will not see aggression towards each other. But, for small gobies and Wrasse, swimming by the Dottyback can be a little bit harder because they know they can eat them up.

Reef Safe: With Caution! They will eat Bristle worms which is great if you have a problem. But, they will also chase your hermits and snails, and even your shrimps. So, if you have ornamental shrimp and cleaner shrimps in the reef, they will hunt them down.

Origin: They come from Indonesia and Sri Lanka

Water Parameter

  • Temperature:72-78 F
  • dKH: 8-12
  • pH: 8.1-8.4
  • Salinity: 1.020-1.025

Keep all the above in check, and your fish will stay happy and healthy in your little piece of sea.


Maximum Size: They get about 3-inches. So, they are not a large fish and a great one to have in your tank.

Colors: They have a beautiful night orange fish, fading into a dark blue body. They are attractive fish and are very fast swimmers. They will catch your eye when you pass by the tank.


They are a carnivore. So, you want to make sure that you are feeding them right. Frozen food is usually their favorites. Also, if they are shy and like staying deep into their caves, pellets are a great option for them to come out and eat because those will float down fast to their cave. With this, they will soon get comfortable enough to swim out in the open and eat what you are feeding them. 


If you keep multiple species, then a larger tank is a must. For example, you can have numerous Dottybacks in a tank, but the tank should be big enough to house them. 

If you are wondering about having a pair of them, you can. But, they have to be introduced into the tank simultaneously. 

You want to make sure to have a lot of live rocks in the tank with plenty of caves to swim in the front and back of the tank as they do like to jump around from cave to cave.

Also, this fish can be a little shy at the beginning. So, they do have some hiding spots in the tank until they get comfortable in the tank.





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