How to Remove a Clownfish from Your Tank - The Easy Way

  • Oct 18, 2018
  • PalaciosAn
  •   2142        1      0

After trying many different ways to remove a clownfish from my aquarium, I found the easiest way to get a clownfish out of the aquarium.

Clownfish normally host on a coral or anemone, so when they sleep they normally sleep on the coral that they host on out in the open. Set an alarm to go off early in the morning at 2 AM - 3 AM. You want the clownfish to be asleep that's the key, you do not want to turn any of the lights on because it will wake up the clownfish. If you want to make the process easier you can use a red flashlight (I picked one up from Amazon for cheap, you don't need anything fancy I got this one if you don't have one I recommend you get one but I will tell you why in a bit), the red flashlight will let you see around the tank without disturbing anything. Locate the sleeping clownfish and reach in there and grab em. That right, grab em with your hand if the clownfish is asleep you will pull it out of the tank before it knows what happened.

Have a plan ready as to what you will do with the clownfish after you catch em.

For me it was simple, I grabbed the clownfish and placed it into my sump. I can easily net him in the sump. It would literally take about 5 min to get out of bed walk over to the tank, reach in there, grab the clownfish, place it in the sump, and then back in bed.

It works every time, technically this could work for any fish but most fish when they sleep, they sleep in the rocks making them hard to get to when they are sleeping.

If you have a red light laying around or you choose to buy one, wait until your lights on your tank go out. Try to keep the room fairly dark and then grab the red flashlight and look around the tank slowly you will see things that you had no idea existed in your tank. The red light is great for seeing the nightlife in your tank. The red light does not disturb the critters in the tank, it looks like most of them can’t see the red light so, take your time looking around.

About author

I have been in the hobby for a while, my main focus is automation. I am interested in doing aquaponics in 2018.


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