Top 10 Colorful Freshwater Aquarium Fish
- Sep 18, 2022
- Anshika Mishra
- 1865 0 0
There are a lot of different species of fish that we can keep in our aquariums. Some of them are more colorful than others. So, here is the list of top 10 fishes that are very colorful and would look great in your aquarium.
One of the appealing things about Guppies is that they are livebearers, which means they give birth to live fishes—making them especially easy to breed. In addition, they can live in a wide variety of water parameters. So, it makes it easy for them to keep them no matter where you live.
They prefer more arduous waters with minerals, but they've also adapted to live in different water parameters, including Brackish water.
The colors cover the entire spectrum with different fin variants. You'll find them in red, blue, gold, yellow, orange, purple, black, white, and a combination.
Neon/ Cardinal Tetra
The neon and cardinal tetras are very similar in appearance. They both have a blue upper body with a red handing on the lower part. However, the Cardinal Tetras are a little larger than the Neons, and the red on their body extends to their tail fins.
These are schooling fish from South America, so it's best to keep them in groups of at least six or more. However, both are very peaceful fish and do well in planted aquariums.
Not only does it look good with that red and blue against the greenery of plants, but they also use plants for cover. Neon Tetras can be kept in a 10-gallon or larger tank, while Cardinals will appreciate a little more space starting at around 20 gallons.
Discus are beautiful Cichlids for south America and are one of the most beautiful freshwater fish in the hobby, known for their spectacular colors in large Disc like shapes. Now Discus do have the reputation of being a little bit more challenging to keep, which is because they prefer a little bit warmer aquarium temperatures than most tropical fish.
They are larger fish, so they'll need at least a 55-gallon tank and do well in planted aquariums. While some people say they are hard to keep, you can successfully keep this beautiful fish with suitable water parameters and quality food and care.
A great combination would have Discus in the planted aquarium with Cardinals that we mentioned previously.
German Blue Rams
A very beautiful dwarf South American Cichlid. They are one of the most striking freshwater fish in the hobby, and when you see a healthy ram and a breeding condition, almost every hue of the rainbow is displayed.
Besides the normal variants that have a combination of gold and orange, blue and black, you'll also find different shapes, including electric blue, gold, and even black versions.
They stay relatively small at around two inches and can be kept in tanks starting at about 20 gallons. One of the great things about the German blue Rams is that they are a great centerpiece fish for those smaller planted tanks.
Bettas come in a variety of colors and shapes. Almost every color imaginable can be found in Betta. They have a Labriynth Organ which allows them to draw oxygen from the atmosphere and obtain dissolved oxygen through their gills.
Betts should be kept in at least a 5-gallon tank. They can be aggressive towards their species or fish that maybe be slow-moving. So keep them solo or choose tank mates wisely.
Rainbow Fish
Rainbow fish comes in a variety of sizes and color variations. They are excellent in community tanks; you can also have them in small and larger aquariums.
They grow to around 4-inches and are excellent in school. If you have a small aquarium but still need a colorful rainbow fish, try the Threadfin Rainbow.
Not only do they have beautiful colors with reds and oranges, but also large flowing fins that give them a unique appearance.
There are different types of Killifish from other parts of the world. They come in sizes like the Clown Killifish and larger Killis like Blue Glarus.
Some are annuals, meaning they have a life span of about a year, while others live longer. No matter the type, almost all Killifish display beautiful color patterns with many different fin shapes.
Cherry Barbs
If you are looking for a bright red, medium-sized schooling fish, consider the Cherry Barbs. Cherry Barbs are peaceful schooling fish that do best in groups of at least six or more. These hardy fish go to around 2-inches. So, you'll need around a 29-gallon aquarium for a group of them.
They are good community fish but can be a bit skittish. So, you want to make sure that you have lots of plants and places for them to hide.
Jewel Cichlid
They are not to be confused with other African Cichlids that don't come from the rugged water rift lakes. But more so creeks and streams, rivers and lakes, and other parts of Africa.
In the aquarium hobby, you'll find that they come in several varieties. The red coloration is the most common, and they can be pretty aggressive. So be weary if you are going to keep them with other fishes. Some of them can grow to be five or six inches.
So, a 40-gallon or more giant aquarium would be best for these fishes.
Electric Blye Acara
These are an artificial variation of the blue Acara and are known for their beautiful iridescent blue coloration. Despite growing to six to eight inches, they're relatively peaceful and get along with other friendly fishes.
They also do well in planet aquariums. However, while they can be kept in tanks of around 30 gallons, stepping up to a larger tank would be better in the long term.
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