Turquoise Rainbowfish Care Guide
- Apr 07, 2024
- Anshika Mishra
- 458 0 0
Rainbow fish are among the most popular freshwater fish because they are colorful, peaceful, and do well in community tanks. In this article, we'll be talking about the Turquoise Rainbowfish:
Turquoise Rainbowfish
A planted tank is the best setup possible for a Rainbow fish. It's because most Rainbows grow 3-5 inches in length, and they need nice planted tanks to swim and play. Plus, these planted tanks are great for natural filtration. They consume the waste they give off and add oxygen to the tank.
Water Parameter
The Turquoize rainbow fish are tropical fish, so your water temperature should be between 78 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. They actually change colors. It's said that they will be most bright when the lights come on and when you change the water.
It's best to keep your Turquoise Rainbowfish in a community tank, in an aquarium, and nothing less than a 40-gallon breeder. Get yourself some other community-style fish, anything peaceful, like Grammies.
A general community flake will help fuel the right nutrients and vitamins into the Turquoise Rainbow fish. But also as a supplement to lots of meaty food like Mysis.
These are the brightest fish in the tank and are usually used as the showcase fish. However, if you plan on breeding them, you want a single-species tank because they can cross-breed with many other Rainbow fish.
Taking care of this fish is easy. The biggest issue with them is not giving them enough space to swim. So, take care of this, and your Turquoise Rainbow fish will thrive.
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