• Name:

    Combtail Betta

  • Family: Osphronemidae
  • Species: Betta
  • Scientific Name: Betta splendens
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General info about Combtail Betta

The Combtail Betta, also known as the Siamese fighting fish, is a popular freshwater aquarium fish known for its vibrant colors and long flowing fins. They are native to Southeast Asia and can grow up to 3 inches in length. Combtail Bettas are a breed of Betta splendens, which is known for its aggression towards other males of the same species.

Combtail Betta Diet & Nutrition

Combtail Bettas are carnivores and require a diet of high-quality protein-rich foods such as live or frozen bloodworms, brine shrimp, and daphnia. They can also be fed high-quality Betta pellets or flakes. It's important not to overfeed them as this can cause health problems such as constipation and bloating.

Determining Sex of Combtail Betta

Male Combtail Bettas are generally more brightly colored and have longer, more elaborate fins than females. They also have a more aggressive behavior and build bubble nests. Females, on the other hand, are smaller in size and have shorter fins.

Breeding & Spawning Combtail Betta

Combtail Bettas are known to be bubble nest builders, and breeding them requires a lot of care and attention. The male builds a nest of bubbles on the surface of the water, and the female lays eggs in the nest. After spawning, it's important to separate the female from the male as he may become aggressive towards her.

Common Diseases with Combtail Betta

Combtail Bettas are prone to various diseases such as fin rot, velvet, and ich. It's important to maintain a clean and healthy aquarium environment and to monitor their behavior and appearance for any signs of illness. If any health problems arise, it's recommended to seek advice from a veterinarian or an experienced aquarium hobbyist.

Combtail Betta Origin

Combtail Bettas are native to Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam. They can be found in slow-moving streams and rice paddies.

Caution with Combtail Betta

Combtail Bettas are known for their aggression towards other male Bettas and should not be kept in the same aquarium unless it's a very large tank with plenty of hiding places. They also require warm water temperatures between 75-82°F and a pH level between 6.5-7.5.

Acclimating Combtail Betta

It's important to acclimate the Combtail Betta to its new aquarium environment slowly. This can be done by floating the bag with the fish in the aquarium for 10-15 minutes to equalize the temperature and then adding small amounts of the aquarium water to the bag every 10-15 minutes for about an hour.
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Name Species Family Scientific Name More Detail Added by
Combtail Betta Betta Osphronemidae Betta splendens The Combtail Betta, also known as the Siamese fighting fish, is a popular freshwater aquarium fish known for its vibrant colors and long flowing fins. They are native to Southeast Asia and can grow up to 3 inches in length. Combtail Bettas are a breed of Betta splendens, which is known for its aggression towards other males of the same species. PalaciosAn

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