10 Best Saltwater Fish Tank Cleaners
- Apr 15, 2023
- Anshika Mishra
- 550 0 0
Here is the top 10 Best saltwater fish tank cleaner that you can add to your tank right now:
In a saltwater aquarium, the best way to control algae isn't to keep nitrate and phosphate down; it's to support a variety of critters that eat the stuff. And nothing eats algae quite like Urchins.
Green hair algae is a particular favorite meal of an urchin, but a single urchin can more or less keep an entire aquarium clean by itself. These are suitable for tanks of all sizes, including Nano tanks which will save you from buying a tiny Surgeon fish.
While fishes like Tangs get the credit for being the most effective algae eater, the reality is that snails lay the groundwork for snails to swoon in and take all the glory. All an army of snails is your ounce of prevention, as they will stop algae from growing big enough to take hold in the first place.
The more variety you can add, the better.
Hermit Crabs
Only Herbit crabs scavenge leftover food before it can decay in the soil of your water, but they can also look hilarious bumbling around your tank. Since they are scavengers, not grazers, they complement snails well, as they occupy a different niche in the food chain.
They won't hurt fishes and corals but will become snails to get a more excellent shell.
Cleaner Shrimps
Cleaner shrimps generally prefer to catch fish food from the column, but they do still serve some use as scavengers and will also use the dead skin of your fish. They are also a great-looking cleaner crew and very peaceful and coral-safe.
But they will steal any food you try to feed your corals.
They are peaceful to the point of being quite timid, look great, and eat a wide variety of the more significant, tricky-to-beat algae types like sea lettuce and bubble algae.
These are as peaceful as a fish gets. But they do get bigger over time. So long term, you'll need a 4-foot plus tank.
Emerland crabs
While these guys are scavengers by trade, their party trick is that they eat pesky bubble algae. But while they may be the solution to your bubble algae, they might also munch on your corals. Rumor has it that females are more reef safe than males, but make sure you plan to catch them if they go rogue.
Pistol Shrimp
These shrimps come with two cool facts - they have a symbiotic relationship with certain types of Gobies where the Goby watches out for trouble while the shrimps dig a cave for them to live in. Second, their pincer snaps can emit a sound of 218 decibels, making them the loudest animal in the ocean.
But they also trench around the bases turning over the sound as they go and keeping it nice and clean. And while the effect is relatively localized, especially in the bigger tank.
Zebrason Tangs
These fishes have a similar diet to Rabbitfish, and a couple of them can clean an unsightly algae outbreak in a few days. The genre includes
- Purple Tangs
- Sailfin Tangs
- Gem Tangs
- Scopass Tangs
- Yellow Tangs.
They can also be very aggressive, especially with similar-looking fish. So make sure to do your research beforehand.
Bristelnose Tang
While the Zebrason Tangs chew on the big stuff, the Bristelnost Tang graze the rocks all day, scrapping away any microalgae and preventing it from taking hold. They are suitable for smaller tanks, too, but they can still grow big.
Hitchhikers like bristle worms, dove snails, and starfishes can help keep the tank clean. But not all hitchhikers are good things to do your research.
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