All about Regal Blue Tang
- Jul 04, 2020
- Vikram Rajiwade
- 2804 0 0
Regal Blue Tang Quick Overview
We are looking at one of the most popular saltwater fish you'll ever see. That would be the Regal Blue Tang (also known as Blue Tang, Hippo Tang, Pacific Blue Tang, or Dorry by most kids).
What Does a Regal Blue Tang Look Like
The Regal Blue tang can get up to 1' long. On average, in captivity, they can easily reach 9" in length, which is not quite a 1" long but still a massive fish for a home aquarium. These Tangs have yellowtail, blues body with black highlights.
Quick Stats
Suggested Tank Size: 180-Gallon
Care Level: Easy
Temperament: Semi-Aggressive
Reef Compatible: Yes.
Temperature: 72-78 Fahrenheit
dKH: 8 – 12
pH: 8.1 – 8.4
Salinity: 1.020 – 1.025
Max Size: 1'
Diet: Herbivore
Tank Requirments for Regal Blue Tang
Tank size, eventually you will need a 180-gallon tank once they are fully grown. Keep in mind that when you find them at your local fish store (LFS), they may look like a cute little fish, but the Regal Blue Tang grows to 1 foot in length (they get big). They do not grow super fast, but something you should consider when buying a Regal Blue Tang. If you buy a baby or small Regal Blue Tang, then yes, you can keep it in a smaller tank, but you need to have plans for it as it gets bigger. In the end, you are going to need a 180-gallon tank once they reach their full size.
Regal Blue Tang Temperament
The Regal Blue Tang is semi-aggressive; their aggression is usually seen against other tangs mainly. They can be territorial against other tangs and can quickly feel like the king and queen of the tank. It's wise to add the tang(s) to your aquarium. This allows other fish to determine their territory before a tang takes over the tank. This gorgeous fish is reef compatible, which is excellent.
Water Parameters for a Regal Blue Tang
The Regal Blue Tang does well in the following water parameters Temperature between 70-78 degrees, dKH between 8-12, pH between 8.1-8.4, and salinity between 1.002-1.0025. Honestly, they are relatively hardy and do not require anything special.
Regal Blue Tang Diet
Diet, the Regal Blue Tang, is an herbivore. So they enjoy eating algae, they are not picky eaters and will take many different herbivore flakes or pellet foods as well as nori sheets.
Are Regal Tangs Friendly
If you're going to have multiple tangs in a tank, it is best if you introduce them at the same time so that none of them can claim a territorial prior. When you add multiple tangs at the same time, they all start to look around to try to determine a territory. Once the territories are established, they will tend to defend them.
If you are looking to add multiple tangs to your tank and plan to keep a Regal Blue Tang, I suggest that you get a Sailfin Tang or a Yellow Tang. What other tangs do you have with your Regal Blue Tangs, comment below, and let us know?
If you have kids, they will love that you added Dory to your aquarium.
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