All About the Debelius Reef Lobster: A Complete Care Guide

If you want to bring something different to your saltwater aquarium, then stay tuned till the end. In this article, we will be discussing everything you need to know about the Debelius Reef Lobster, also known as the Purple/ Orange Reef Lobster.

Debelius Reef Lobster

Prices: You will generally get this fish for about $30.

Tank Size: Nothing big; a simple 30-gallon will give them plenty of room to run around in. Once they get to their maximum size, you will need to upgrade, but as for starters, they are just 2-inches long as juveniles.

Care Leve: Super Easy! It is an excellent invert to get. It will hang out on its own, eat what they want and go around the tank doing their own business. So, you don't have to be an expert to home them in your tank.

Temperament: They are semi-agressive, and you usually can see them when they get older and more prominent. They will get territorial over their cave and be a little agressive towards your smaller fish and inverts in the tank.

Reef Safe: With Caution. As they get larger, they will get agressive towards small fish and inverts, which are an essential part of a reef aquarium. So, pay attention because you will need your cleanup crew in the reef tank while this lobster takes them out at night.

Origin: They come from the Indo-Pacifics, Australia, and other islands.

Water Parameter

  • Temperature: 72-78
  • dKH: 8-12
  • pH: 8.1-8.4
  • Salinity: 1.023-1.025

When you first get them in your tank, make sure to acclimate them slowly. They can be susceptible to salinity levels changing too fast. Just double the usual acclimation time you do with your other, and they will be fine.

Ensure you are not doing any copper dosing with these in the tank because it will knock them out immediately. This lobster cannot handle medicine. So, if you have to dose some copper, make sure to get them out first.


They can get about 5-inches. So, by the end, you will have a good-sized lobster in your hand. People usually want this Lobster in their tank because it is a beautiful Lobster. They have a purple body with dark purple polka dots all over their body, even on their claws.


They are an omnivore. They are the scavengers of the tank, and they will run around and eat the leftover food. They will look for the large around the room. You can even spot feed them. For example, if you drive pallets right outside the caves they are staying in, they will run around and eat those.

Mysis and Brine shrimp is their absolute favorite. This lobster is delicious about cleaning the tank. It will run around and will eat leftovers that a tank has ripped of and is floating around the tank.


If you want to keep multiple Reef Lobsters in your tank, they must be a mated pair. Otherwise, they will be very agressive towards their kind.

They like to have a thinker sand bed to dig, making them feel safe and protective. The more the live rocks, the better. You want to have caves and over handings in your tank. They tend to come out and hunt during the night. So giving them a dark spot during the will help you see them even in the day.

Once they get comfortable with the tank, you will see them come more during the day, but their hunting time is the night.

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