All About the Porkfish
- Jun 11, 2023
- Anshika Mishra
- 528 0 0
There are a few different kinds and colorations, but around the world, they are known as Porkfish. These are active colors but don't jump too fast, as they can get really large. So let's make sure that they are a good fit for your tank.
Prices: $50. For a little more, you can also get the aquaculture variety which will be a lot harder and compatible with aquarium life.
Tank Size: 180 gallons because these fishes can get up to a foot long.
A typical aquarium for Porkfish should have a good sand bed and a dense rock structure on one side, but also with some open areas in the tank. They'll constantly go in and out of that tank, hiding under the ledges while also swimming speedily fast in the open.
So make sure to give them some open areas while also some good spots for them to explore.
Pork fishes are great for all levels of the hobby. If you are looking for a harder fish, this is one that can be a great option. They eat well and have a good temperament toward their tank mates.
Reef Compatibility: With caution. That's not because they'll mess with your corals; it's because they'll eat up your inverts. Such things as crabs, snails, shrimp, and starfishes will be a snack for them.
Water Parameter
- Temperature: 72-78
- dKH: 8-12
- pH: 8.1-8.4
- Salinity: 1.023-1.025
Max Size: They can get up to a foot long, and they grow relatively fish. So make sure to put them in a good-sized tank from the beginning.
Colors: Most Porfishes have a silver reflective body with yellow stripes, while others will have a yellow head with black and white stripes. There are a few other variations, but the yellow coloration catches everybody's eye.
They are a carnivore, and their diet must consist of very meaty foods to keep their colors and health up. Feeding things like small pieces of shrimps, even silver side clams, are also a good option. As juveniles, they really enjoy those frozen cubes like Krill, Mysis, and Brine shrimps.
Of course, as they do get bigger, start feeding them bigger food. Their origins are around the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbeans.
It's best to put them with peaceful fish. They don't do well in an aggressive tank with fish like Triggers or grouper that are hard on other fish. They are bad about chasing fish because they'll end up hiding, and they could even end up parishing if they're not able to come out and eat.
The Porkfish do best in a school together. If you have a large enough tank, you can get an odd group of three to five of Porkfishes.
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