Balstomussa Wellsi: Everything You Need to Know

In this article, we'll be learning all about the Balstomussa Wellsi. It is a great large polyp stoning coral to add to your aquarium. So, with all these LPS, they tend to be much easier to take care of.

Balstomussa Wellsi

Prices: You'll have to spend about $40 to get one frag, and the frag can only have 1-3 heads on it. So, if you want a big piece with 10-15 heads, you must spend over $250 to get on. Add more crazy colors, and the price increase even more.

Care Level: Moderate. The main challenge with this coral is feeding.

Colors: You'll get a wide variety of colors on them.

Origin: Indo-pacific areas, like Fiji and Australia. However, most of the Balstomussas in the hobby are now aquacultured.

Water Parameter

  • Temperature: 72-78 F
  • dKH: 8-12
  • pH: 8.1-8.4
  • Salinity: 1.020-1.025


They are photosynthetic coral, so they will feed off the light. But you'll see a difference when you start spotting them weekly. You can feed them different coral foods. However, you don't want to get deep into the tank.

So, Oyster feeds, Reefroids, liquid coral food, or any other meaty food that you can put in your powerheads will blow on the tank. You'll also see them open their mouths to get it.


No, they are not venomous coral. Maybe the feeder tentacles that come out could be venomous, but they are not very long. However, ensure you don't put them near corals that can sting them.


Anywhere. They can do great in a variety of different spots. Preferably the bottom, near caves, because they like the overhangs. They also fit right in the middle of the tank. 


Low to medium, i.e., 30 to 150 PAR level. These corals do not like very intense lighting. So, these guys will be pleased if you have low to medium lighting in your tank. With the Balstomussa in the tank, ensure you keep Calcium and Magnesium levels in check. This helps them grow and stay strong. 


They are relatively easy to frag. Many of them will grow and spread out enough with each head that you can go ahead and cut with each other. It's kind of like fragging Acan.

You can go up under the skeleton and cut it like that. Never cut through the head.

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