Building Terminators to Kill Lionfish
- Aug 26, 2016
- PalaciosAn
- 1382 0 1
Lionfish have been spreading like crazy, I imagine you have heard already. There are teams who go out diving every day to try to eliminate as many Lionfish as possible. The lionfish are causing many problems, including destroying reefs by eating all of the small fish around.
There is just a bit if an issue the lionfish and going down depth that people are not able to dive.
So what are you to do? Well, the group Robots In Service of the Environment (RISE) is building a Lionfish terminator to help out. So don't expect to see Arnold swing around shooting Lionfish. How Lionfish do not have any predators they are not scared of much. RISE is using that to their advantage, saltwater is highly conductive they are building a robot that will swim up to the lionfish and place two electrodes to each side of it. The lionfish don't seem to care until it is too late.
How do you feel about everything going on with the Lionfish? How do you think we can sold the issue?
About author
I have been in the hobby for a while, my main focus is automation. I am interested in doing aquaponics in 2018.