How to Take Care of Clownfish in an Aquarium?
- Nov 20, 2022
- Anshika Mishra
- 895 0 0
The primary difference between keeping a Clownfish and keeping something like Neon Tetra is the type of water they live in.
Clownfish are saltwater fish; this is what enhances the level of difficulty that comes with keeping them Clownfish. After that, it's simply working out and learning to keep the water they live in in the correct salinity.
However, you can buy reef salt; mixing it as directed on the packet will give you the correct salinity.
There are different types of Clownfish. The most common you'll fish are the Common Clownfish, Ocellaris Clownfish, and Peculiar Clownfish. Then there are Tomato, Clarkia, Skunk, and all of the different clownfish variations.
Most of this color difference is made by selective breeding. Some of the rare colors will cost you more. When it comes to ease of caring, we recommend the Ocellaris Clownfish and also the Clarke Clownfish.
Buy the Right Clownfish
When picking your Clownfish, it's best to buy either a pair that has been together for a while or it's best to accept them as two small juvenile fishes. This way, they can develop different sexes.
All Clownfishes are born male. However, later a few will become more aggressive and turn into a female, and then it will keep all the other Clownfish as males.
You don't want to buy two separate clownfish because the chances are that they'll both be females, and then when you add them to the tank, they're not going to get along, and they'll fight. So with this, you can keep clownfish in pairs, or you can keep them in large groups.
Aquarium Size
For a single pair, we recommend around 80 liters or 20 gallons, but if you want more Clownfish or want them to sort of have a better experience in life, then a bigger tank is preferable.
You need to know that having a lid on your tank is vital because these fish are known to jump out of water.
For decor, you don't need corals. Most tank-bred Clownfishes don't even know what an Anemone is, and if you add one to the tank, there's a good chance that you will ignore it. So, they're not necessary until you've got a particular need for a coral.
However, they need the right kind of substrate and lighting.
Clownfishes are very picky, and you must provide them with a wide variety of food. Pellets, flakes, and meaty food are good options.
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