How To Tell If Your Guppies Are Pregnant?
- Apr 25, 2021
- Anshika Mishra
- 2766 0 0
So you have decided to get livebearers in your tank, and on the top of your head are Guppies. But after getting them in your tank how will you tell when they are going to give birth. Well, you are in luck because, in this article, we are going to tell you everything about Guppy pregnancy, when they are going to give birth, and a lot more.
A lot of people want to know if their Guppy is pregnant or not because they want to transfer their Guppies from the main community tank to a breeder box so that no other fish in the tank eats its fry.
How To Tell If Your Guppies Are Pregnant?
Guppies are livebearers, which means that they give birth to live babies. Females have a thing underneath their hind tail called Gravid Spot. It is the fish's reproductive system and the place is where the fry will develop and become fertile.
You can tell that your Guppy is pregnant if is she will increase in size and the Gravid spot gets abnormally darker, but do know that some females might not have a darker Gravid spot and still be pregnant.
If there are male Guppies along with female Guppies in the tank, then your guppies will be breeding constantly. So, if you are female Guppy's body has bulged up and she has got a lot bigger, then you can tell that she is pregnant.
When Will The Guppy Is Going To Give Birth?
It is actually the tricky part. Basically, when a female Guppy is ready to give birth, her body will get extremely large, it will look like she is about to explode. The day in which she will be giving birth, she will get a little squared-off look which will make her abdomen look quadrilateral. In most of the Guppies at the time of birth, you can see a little eye shape in their abdominal area, and this means that they're going to give birth in just an hour or so.
When their body starts to look like a box, you can tell that she is going to release all the fry super soon. But judging it right is tough unless you have done it quite some time.
It's Time
So, when you have got sure that they are ready, you can put them in your breeder box and let them do their job. You will not have any problem with that, and in just some time your tank will be full of these little fry swimming around.
That was all you need to know about Guppy pregnancy, there is not much to it, you just have to observe them keenly. You will not run into any issues.
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