Metallic Fox Face/ Magnificent Fox Face: Complete care guide
- Oct 08, 2020
- Anshika Mishra
- 3060 0 0
Metallic Fox Face fish is a very pretty looking fish, some people also like to call it the Magnificent Foxface/ Rabbitfish.
Metallic Fox Face fish
PRICES: You will at least spend $100 to getting a smaller one but if you are looking for a bigger one you will have to spend about $150-$200, they come with a price.
TANK SIZE: You need at least a 120-gallon, by the end of it you will need about 6-feet long tank because they do get huge and they grow faster than most of the other fish in the hobby.
CARE LEVEL: Moderate, they are pretty easy to take care of.
TEMPERAMENT: They are very peaceful fish, you will never see aggression on them except whenever you have other Rabbitfish in the tank with them. So, that will be your biggest problem, you want to make sure that you only have one Rabbitfish in your tank.
REEF COMPATIBILITY: A lot of places you will read with caution and it is fairly right. The biggest problem with Fox Face is whenever they are malnourished and they are not fed enough they tend to pick at your LPS corals and some fo your Polyps.
There are have been cases where people claim that they have destroyed their tank and it is probably because they're not getting enough food. These guys eat a lot, so you have to make sure that you feed them properly so that it doesn't bother your corals.
dKH: 8-12
pH: 8.1-8.4
SALINITY: 1.20-1.025
MAXIMUM SIZE: They can get a whole 8-inches they can get huge. They get very big very fast so you want to make sure that you have plenty of room for him to swim around.
COLOR: They are very known for their colors. They have a nice gray body with a few black stripes going on them but they catch everyone's eyes. With the red top fins and then yellow on the side of the body makes them extremely beautiful.
DIET: They are a herbivore in the wild but you will notice in your tank they tend to be an omnivore. They need plenty of algae in their diet. A lot of times you can feed them sea veggies on a clip multiple times a day because they can just eat the mass out of it.
Make sure you are feeding them a lot of algae and then they'll also eat frozen cubes and pallets, flakes anything like that. They are a big-time eater but whenever you feed algae it will keep those colors nice and pretty while also keeping them very healthy.
ORIGIN: They come from Sumatra. So, this is another reason that makes them a very expensive fish, and sometimes they are very hard to find in Sumatra too.
COMPATIBILITY: The main problem is that you cannot house them with another Rabbitfish. Even if you put two Rabbitfish in a huge tank they will still go after each other and in the end, you will have to split them up. So, make sure you just put one that you like and keep just that one in your tank.
VENOMOUS: Yes, they are venomous, they can sting you but they will not come after your hand in the tank. Most of the time when people are stung by them it is because their hands are behind some rock in the tank trying to move something around and grab something, they forget where is Rabbitfish is, and then the fish darts them. But it will just be like a bee sting, it is not too bad but you want to be careful with these guys in your tank.
They can be in a more aggressive tank with bigger fish because they also get huge and the other fish tend to stay away from them because they know that they are venomous.
Things to make sure
They will be shy at the beginning like any other Fox Face will so give them plenty of places to hide and just give them time to show up often. The Metallic Foxface's are way more active than the other Foxface's. They don't seem to be as shy as the Yellow Foxface's.
Make sure you have a glass lid for the bigger ones they aren't really big on jumping but some small ones get up there and jump out. So, just cover all the spot up there and also make sure you big enough tank because this fish will get huge and make sure you feed them a lot so they stay away from your corals.
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