Toadstool Leather: complete care guide
- Aug 31, 2020
- Anshika Mishra
- 1018 0 0
This is a gorgeous coral that is easy to take care of. It is recommended to a lot of people because they get huge and everybody loves the corals that are big. This is the Toadstool Leather.
Toadstool Leather
PRICE: You will normally spend about $30 for a decent size one. And then if you are willing to get some of the rarer colors like the neon green, you would have to spend about $70- $100 for them.
CARE LEVEL: They are super easy to take care of. Most leather corals are easy to care, they grow really fast, they grow in pretty much any conditions of the tank.
TEMPERATURE: You want to keep it from 72-78 degrees.
dKH: 8-12
pH: 8.1-8.4
SALINITY: You want to keep the salinity from 1.023-1.025
COLORS: Most of the time you have the brownish tan color, some of them you can get in more of yellow color and then the tips that will pop out are most of the time white but green ones are the ones that everybody really loves. Those are the ones, you want to get.
DIET: They are filter feeders through photosynthesis, so they definitely need some current running through them so they can eat plenty. It is seen that whenever you feed or stir feast, they tended to grow very fast. So, that is another thing to try. Just any kind of food that you can find that is really good for filter feeders they will love it.
ORIGIN: Most of them are aquaculture, but they can also be from Australia, the Indonesia area.
VENOMOUS: So, to us, they would not hurt but they can create a toxin on top of them that will greatly affect the nearby corals, to the extent of killing them. It is pretty bad, therefore you definitely want to put them in a spot in which it can spread out and won't be trying to put its toxin all over your corals surrounding it.
Probably the only corals which it isn't even really coral to invert that have seen survive it is Anemone, it would not mess with it. But if there is anything else like SPS corals even though it stays really close, the reason is that they are just eating up all teh toxin produces by Toadstool Leather. So, just put them in a spot where they can spread out.
PLACEMENT: Actually anywhere, but it is recommended to keep them on top because they like good highlighting, to make them come out and look really good. And it is also good to put them up too, so they have plenty of room to spread out.
CURRENT: It is recommended to keep the current medium, most of the time. Maybe high just depending upon how well yours likes current. But you definitely want at least a medium flow, because they need plenty of flow to eat up in filter feed.
TANK SIZE: Doesn't really matter just make sure that all your levels are right, make sure your dKH and calcium in your tank stand up, make sure you have got plenty of nutrients for them to eat.
A Clownfish can host these guys, so don't freak out if your Clownfish starts swimming up in one of these.
They will also shrink up completely about once a month, maybe once in two months. Basically all the little tentacles that come on the top of them, they soak them up and then they get a little bit smaller, this is known as shedding.
They do it in every once in a while and when they come back out they are like double the size, it's awesome. So, if you see that don't freak out just give it time to come back out and it will be fine. It takes about 2-3 days to come back out.
When fragging them, it's very important to be careful. Whenever you frag them, take them out of your tank. Because foraging them release that toxin and that is the last thing you want to float everywhere in your tank.
So take them out in a bucket and basically what you can do is the big mushroom head that comes over, you can cut the edges odd that and glue it to a little frag rock and it will end up growing its own foot over time, and then he will bloom out just the big as yours.
One thing you need to know is that once they get big enough they will be putting major shadow on everything below then because they are just like a big mushroom, so make sure you don't have any guys down there that you want to grow up.
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