Top 10 tankmates for your Angelfish
- Aug 12, 2020
- Anshika Mishra
- 5720 0 0
Angelfishes, for the most part, are very peaceful fish, but they are cichlids. So, there is a bit of unknown when it comes to their temperament.
You could end up with a bad one that does not want anything else in the tank with them. But in most of the cases, they will be fine unless there's a breeding pair. If angels pair off and want to breed, lookout. They can get pretty aggressive, beware of that. This thing goes for all the fishes on the list.
So, here are the top 10 tankmates for freshwater angelfish.
Cardinal Tetras
Freshwater Angelfish is one of the most popular fish in the hobby. Cardinal Tetra is another one that you can find pretty much anywhere. So, if you put them together you would make a perfect match.
Cardinals are small and beautiful fish that are easy to care for and get along with almost all other fish in the hobby. These are schooling fish that are gonna do better in the small groups and will add a ton of activity to the tank which is excellent in an Angel tank because Angels aren't the most active fish out there.
The Angels will just sit there and look pretty while the Cardinals will be all over the place with constant movement. But the good thing is neither one of them is really gonna bother each other.
One of the best things about Corys is that they go well in almost all community tanks. It is a small catfish that will stay on the ground scavenging around, looking for food.
They go great with angels because they will stay at the bottom while the angels will stay at the mid-level or top. There is pretty much no chance of any problems.
Just like Cardinals, a lot of Corys will be happier in smaller groups. Just think about it, a bunch of Cardinals swimming around the tank, a few angels as the main focal point of the tank, and a group of Corys patrolling the substrate. Combine all that is a good size tank with some amazing live plants and you have got a tank that even the biggest aquarium snob would envy.
When you talk about Plecos, it is a very broad subject there are so many different varieties. The cool thing about finding a Pleco that will go well with your angels is, it really doesn't matter which type you pick because pretty much every one of them will go well with them.
The thing is that not all plecos will go in every tank, like the Common Plecastomus. It is not because they would be a problem with the angel it's that they will be a problem for the tank. Common Plecos are not good for planted tanks. So, if you have a planted tank that so many people with angels do, you want to stay away from command Plecos.
There is no need to panic because there are tons of plecos that can go in a tank that size and would not bother your plants or your angels. So, a matter which type of Pleco you choose, they are super cool and unique catfish which would not only stand out because they look so cool but they also help keep things tidy around your substrate.
Not every Pleco is algae eater, so do proper research before buying them.
Angels are pretty chill fish, they basically cruise around and look pretty. Some people love that while some feel this is a little boring. If you are one of those people who think they are a little boring and you want to spice things up. Think about adding Danios in the tank. They are the exact opposite, they are spazzes.
There are several varieties of Danios. Some like Clesetil Pearls stay tiny while others like giant Danios can't get over 4 inches in size. But the good news is, none of them are known to be aggressive towards any other fish.
There are a few Danios and you should be cautious of, like the celestial pearl. They can actually be so small that the Angels could eat them. Of course, you don't want that and also the Giant Danios, mainly because they are super big and you will want to have several of them if you have to go your angels in 29-gallon, they might not have enough room to reach their full potential.
Stick with Zebra, the regular pearls, or gold Danios. They look amazing, give you plenty of activity and get along great with your angels.
Whether you have a tank full of angels, Arowanas, or African Cichlids, there will come a point where you will wonder about, what would be a good algae-eating tank for the tank?
When it comes to your angels, the answer is going to be Otocinclus. This is an amazing tiny catfish that will do, exactly what you are looking for. They will clear algae from the rocks, decoration, and the glass. They will do it non-stop.
The best thing is that these fishes are not aggressive towards other fishes at all. Otos are going to stay pretty small, so you don't have to worry about them outgrowing your tank. They are a fish that does not appreciate being alone though, so put them with a small group of other Otos in the tank, you will see incredible results in your tank.
Angels are not very active, putting Rainbowfish in the tank put a lot of action in the tank. The best thing is that these fishes can take any kind of abuse that the angelfish will throw at them.
You want to stay with the smaller species of Rainbow. These fishes will school and will be fine with any other fish in the community tank. So, when your angels are being extremely boring, get yourself rainbow fish and you would not regret it.
Excellent community tank mates for angelfish.
Rams are tiny cichlids, they are super cute and they get along with everybody. They stay really small so, it is not a problem to keep them in a 29-gallon tank and all the other fish in the tank.
There are a couple of different types of Rams like the Blue, Gemrna-blue, Golden-blue, and balloons. These are every peaceful cichlid that has a similar temperament to Discuss. Some experience level is necessary to even keep them.
Pretty much every fish keeper can keep angels but do learn to keep a healthy aquarium before you tackle Rams, they can be a little fragile.
Harlequin Rasbora
These fishes are one of the best community tank fish. This is an awesome little fish that goes well in so many different situations. They go well in community tanks, planted tanks, and yes Angel tanks. They are just an all-around great community fish that are easy to keep are get along with everything.
Cherry Barbs
Cherry barbs are another all-around great fish that are good and hardy and will go perfectly fine with your angels. They are super active fish that does want groups and the cool thing is that you can buy a group of them super cheap.
These fish don't get huge and they can mix well with most community fish. They certainly won't bother your angels and your angels shouldn't bother them. These fish will get in a bright red color which is something most fish keepers will die for.
Rummynose Tetras
Rummynose Tetras are awesome and you can buy a dozen of them and put them in your tank with angels. They are another ish that does well with the other fish in the school which is a good thing because when you get a nice size group of them in a larger tank, they will just swim around all day long.
They look absolutely gorgeous with a bright red head and the black & whitetail. These fishes would never have issues with other fishes in the tank.
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