Top & Most Beautiful Zoas (Affordable)

In this article, you will be getting a list of the top 7 most beautiful Zoas, but not the ones whose each polyp cost $2000. To qualify for this list they must be both cheap and commonly available.

7. Alien Antivenoms

Bright pink corals aren't always as easy to find, so these take that box straight off the bat. They also have complementary yellow centers with a speckled purple surrounding. They are happiest when they are close to the rock work with short stems.

They spread pretty quickly so if you're paying $15 per polyp for these then you are being ripped off. Also, because they grow fast you will probably be able to find fellow hobbyists selling multi-head frags in your budget.

6. Sunny Ds

They are named after their bright splash orange color with green centers and speckled purplish lashes. They also tend to give longer stalks regardless of what lightning they are under.

You might have to stretch the budget a little to get these, but you certainly shouldn't have to pay more than $20 per head, and even at that price this is probably the most expensive Zoa on this list.

One of the reasons this coral is so popular is because it glows under blue led. They don't glow to Chernobyl levels like some Zoas but they certainly put a good show in the evening. Some people might find this coral a little fussy, they also don't spread rapidly which makes them the most challenging Zoa on the list.

5. Purple Hornets

With fairly deep purple and subtle yellow lashes, these are the thinking man Zoas. They don't go brightly under blue lights, and they stick close to the rockwork so they don't immediately stand out. But the small yellow right around the mouth gives them a really nice effect and a colony of these can look absolutely stunning.

They are not fast growers and they can get outcompeted by more aggressive Zoas. So, choosing placement is very important, but if you place them next to a pink or yellow Zoa, they will look fantastic once they have spread out.

4.  Blonde Blue Eyed Bitch

These are another cracker with bright orang lashes, a blond center, and a blue eye. These also stay close to the rockwork on the short stem but unlike purple hornets, these corals glow nicely under Blue LEDs. Because they are multi-colored they don't need fancy neighbors to show off the best colors.

They are quite resilient, and they survive in-tank crowded by other long stem Zoas.

3. Rastas

They are immediately identifiable by their unique colors. Rastas are really bright Zoas that also look awesome and stand out on their own. They are short-stemmed, will pop nicely under Blue LED, and can be the centerpiece of any Zoa collection.

They are a slow grower, so they should be kept away from faster-growing neighbors, but given the right spot. They are absolutely coral and well-deserving of the bronze medal on this list.

2. Scrambled Eggs

This runner-up coral on this list has a bright blue center with dayglow yellow which makes it an extremely bright coral and you will need to put your sunglasses on when your blue LEDs come on in the evening.

They glow almost as brightly as anything in your tank and its colony attached to the rock work will draw your eye every time you look at the tank. Like many Zoas, they do spread quickly so try to isolate them or place them somewhere you can easily frag.

Honorable Mention

These corals have not made it to the list but are worth a look:

  • Woodstock Rainbow
  • LA Lake
  • Fruit Loops Zoa

1. Utter Chaos

This is the king of all the affordable Zoas is Utter Chaos. They are one of the brightest Zoas, all look equally awesome both under white and blue lights. They have subtle hints of purple at the center, but the dominant color is orange which is a difficult color to find in the world of coral.

They are beautiful but have slightly elongated stems, and spread very quickly. If there is one coral that gives you more for less money then that is surely Utter Chaos.

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