You Must Read This Before Adding Guppy Fish in Betta Tank
- Oct 22, 2023
- Anshika Mishra
- 566 0 0
Can vibrant Guppy fish peacefully live with Betta? How do we avoid them picking on each others' beautiful fins? In this article, we'll discuss secrets to keeping them in the same tank and things to be careful about.
Can guppies live in Betta fish tank?
Technically, both fishes are good for co-existing since they share similar tank requirements. Betta fishes prefer water temperatures from 76 to 82 degrees Fahrenheit, while Guppies prefer temperatures from 74 to 82 degrees Fahrenheit.
The ideal pH range for Guppies falls under 6.8 to 7.5, whereas for Betta fishes, it's 6.8 to 7.6. Both share similar tank conditions, which makes it possible for them to stay happily in the same tank.
Is it safe to keep Guppy with Betta fish?
Fancy male Guppy fishes have long, colorful fins like Bettas. This similarity can cause problems if both of them are kept together. It triggers the Betta's instinct to attack a Guppy fish. Sometimes, even Guppies nibble at your betta fins and damage them.
Also, since both the fish are top-feeders, food dropped on the tank floor may remain unattended.
Can Guppy and Betta fish share the same food?
Betta fishes have a carnivore diet. On the other hand, Guppies are omnivores. But there are some foods suitable for both fishes. High-quality pellets formulated for tropical fish can be fed to both fishes. These foods contain a balanced nutrition that both the fishes require.
How many Betta can you keep with Guppies?
It's generally advised to avoid housing more than one male Betta in one tank. Selelcitng with flashy male guppies and less colorful females can be a decision point. There are some benefits to considering female Betta fishes with Guppies.
Female Bettas tend to be more aggressive than their male fish, which makes them a potentially smoother addition to the tank. Remember that Betta are territorial, and they might perceive Guppies as threats leading to aggression.
If you are housing Guppies with Betta, having a group of Guppeis rather than one is advisable. Creating a colony can prevent your Betta from targeting a single fish and reduce potential issues. If you are considering male Betta fishes, only house one in each tank.
You can keep one Betta fish per gallon of water and one Guppy for every 4-5 gallons. With Guppies, you want to have one male for every three females. This will reduce female Guppy fish stress. Don't choose anything less than 10 gallons for a community tank setup.
Will Betta fish kill Guppy?
Betta fishes can sometimes be aggressive and kill Guppies, especially if they see them as rivals or intruders on their territory. However, the outcome depends on the Betta fish's temperament and tank condition. To prevent this, keep a bigger tank with hiding spaces and a lot of swimming space.
What part of the tank do Guppies occupy?
Guppies tend to occupy the middle and upper portions of the tank. They frequently swim around these areas, which can cause problems if they swim past your Betta fish territory. However, once the Betta occupied its territory, the Guppies wouldn't enter unless food was present. However, do know that Guppies and Bettas will eat the fries.
How do you feed your Betta and Guppy in a community tank?
Guppies have an enthusiastic appetite and can quickly finish any food introduced in the tank. However, Bettas are slow eaters and tend to nibble on available food. This can lead to potential issues as Guppies may consume all the food rapidly, leaving the Betta with little to eat.
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