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Also Know As:

| Clown Wartskin Frogfish

| Wartskin Frogfish

| Clown Frogfish

General info about Clown Wartskin Angler

The warty frogfish or clown frogfish soft skin is covered with numerous small, wart-like protuberances. Its large mouth allows it to consume prey the same size as the angler size. Frogfishes have the capacity to change their pigment color and pattern to their surroundings this process could take a few weeks. they are ambush predators and tend to blend into their environment. They use their bottom fins to hold on to things as well as to move around, most time other fish do not know they are there until it is too late. Should not be kept with smaller fish, keep in mind in the wild they are known to reach lengths of up to 5.9" so while they may be small at first they could grow and eventually eat other fish in the tank.

Clown Wartskin Angler Diet & Nutrition

Frogfish are carnivores and ambush feeders, lying in wait for an unsuspecting fish or crustacean to go by and then the frog fish opens its mouth quickly while lunging forward, sucking their victim whole and swallowing them. Also called the Gape and Suck, the frogfish has one of the fastest gape and suck of any fish.  They have been known to devour fish nearly equal to its size. A diet of feeder fish and shrimp should be provided.

Determining Sex of Clown Wartskin Angler

There is no way to determine if they are male or female frogfish without examining the gonads by dissection. For example, sex can't be determined by coloration or size. While spanning the male is typically smaller.

Breeding & Spawning Clown Wartskin Angler

8 to 12 hours before spawning, the female will begins to fill up with eggs (40'000 to 180'000 eggs) — the eggs measure around half a millimeter. From here on out, everything happens quickly. The female will become swollen before she is ready to spawn. All the eggs will make it is hard for the female to maintain her position and will eventually become buoyant with her tail up. The mail will follow the female closely once she becomes buoyant the male will nudge the female continues in the abdomen, then they both move to the surface, where spawning occurs. The female will start to release thousands of eggs and the male will start fertilizing them immediately and it all happens quickly.

The eggs will float to the surface of the water and will be covered in a layer of mucus. 

The male will stay near the fertile female how the frogfish may spawn several times over several weeks.

Original Detail

Name Species Family Scientific Name More Detail Added by
Clown Wartskin Angler Anglers and Frogfish Frogfish Antennarius maculatus

The warty frogfish or clown frogfish soft skin is covered with numerous small, wart-like protuberances. Its large mouth allows it to consume prey the same size as the angler size. Frogfishes have the capacity to change their pigment color and pattern to their surroundings this process could take a few weeks. they are ambush predators and tend to blend into their environment. They use their bottom fins to hold on to things as well as to move around, most time other fish do not know they are there until it is too late. Should not be kept with smaller fish, keep in mind in the wild they are known to reach lengths of up to 5.9" so while they may be small at first they could grow and eventually eat other fish in the tank.


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Submitted Date Submitted By Status Action
2019-02-02 04:20:11 PalaciosAn Approved View
2019-02-02 04:18:56 PalaciosAn Approved View