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Also Know As:

| Indian Ocean Sailfin Tang

| Red Sea Sailfin Tang

| Desjardins Sailfin Tang

General info about Desjardini Sailfin Tang

The Desjardini Sailfin Tang is dark to very light gray in color with light freckles on the nose and yellow freckles on the abdomen. The body has several, varying sized vertical yellow stripes with intricate markings between the stripes at the face. It has a blue tail with white freckles. Its appearance can practically double in size at will by raising or lowering its sizable dorsal and anal fins. A large aquarium is necessary to provide plenty of swimming room. It is aggressive towards its own species and conspecifics at times, but peaceful towards other fish, so keep only one except in a very large tank. The Small Juvenile form of the Desjardini Tang may not have spots on the fins or body and are very similar in appearance to a Sailfin Tang. However, with age, the spots will develop as well as the bold striping on their fins and body.
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Name Species Family Scientific Name More Detail Added by
Desjardini Sailfin Tang Tang and Surgeons Acanthuridae Zebrasoma desjardini The Desjardini Sailfin Tang is dark to very light gray in color with light freckles on the nose and yellow freckles on the abdomen. The body has several, varying sized vertical yellow stripes with intricate markings between the stripes at the face. It has a blue tail with white freckles. Its appearance can practically double in size at will by raising or lowering its sizable dorsal and anal fins. A large aquarium is necessary to provide plenty of swimming room. It is aggressive towards its own species and conspecifics at times, but peaceful towards other fish, so keep only one except in a very large tank. The Small Juvenile form of the Desjardini Tang may not have spots on the fins or body and are very similar in appearance to a Sailfin Tang. However, with age, the spots will develop as well as the bold striping on their fins and body. PalaciosAn

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