- Name:
Yellow Fiji Leather Coral
(View AKA's) - Family: Alcyoniidae
- Species: Leather Corals
- Scientific Name: Sarcophyton elegans
General info about Yellow Fiji Leather Coral
In general, species from the Sarcophyton genus takes a mushroom form when they are still at the juvenile stage. However, as they grow bigger, their mushroom shape will no longer exist as folds are formed creating a larger flat colony. When the polyps are fully extended, you cannot see the flesh. Instead, it is covered with tentacles that usually has an average length of 1 centimeter.
For the Yellow Fiji Leather Coral, they are predominantly colored yellow with dark yellow polyps. This are the water parameters for cultivating Yellow Fiji Leather Coral:
- Calcium: 420 - 440 ppm
- Alkalinity: 3.04 - 3.39 MEQ/L (8 - 9.5 dKH)
- Phosphates: > 0.10 mg/L
- Magnesium: 1260 - 1350
- Strontium: 8 -10 mg/L
- Temperature: 75° - 80° F (24° - 27° C)
- Salinity / Specific Gravity: 1.024 - 1.026
- pH: 8.1 - 8.4
Yellow Fiji Leather Coral Diet & Nutrition
Nourishment of the Yellow Fiji Leather Coral is attained through photosynthesis and chemosynthesis. Photosynthetic nourishment is done through the presence light, supplemented further with their symbiotic relationship with an algae called zooxanthellae living within them. Chemosynthetic nourishment is done through the absorption of nutrients in the water. With this, the addition of dissolved nutrients is very important. You can also do supplemental feeding with the use of mysis or brine shrimp.
Fragging / Propagating Yellow Fiji Leather Coral
A mature tank is highly recommended in propagating Yellow Fiji Leather Coral. After acclimation, they should immediately be set on the middle part of the tank. Ideally, you will need a gel glue or putty to fasten them on an exposed rock.
Flow / Lighting Requirements for Yellow Fiji Leather Coral
The Yellow Fiji Leather Coral requires moderate water flow and low to moderate lighting. This is the reason why you need to set them in the middle part of the tank.
Yellow Fiji Leather Coral Origin
Yellow Fiji Leather Coral can be found in the Indo-Pacific Ocean, particularly in Australia and Fiji. Their population in the wild is still abundant and is not considered a threatened or endangered species.
Caution Should be Taken with Yellow Fiji Leather Coral
Do not be alarmed when the polyps of the Yellow Fiji Leather Coral do extend for an extended period of time. Sometimes, their size may shrink and may shed some of their outer skin. Again, do not be alarmed as this is just a part of their natural process. Just be patient, wait for days and you will be surprised to see that it re-open in to a bigger colony. With this in mind, you need to provide them with ample space since they can create a shade thereby disrupting other corals located underneath.
How to Acclimate Yellow Fiji Leather Coral
Yellow Fiji Leather Coral are purely marine species. Therefore, salinity must be entirely maintained from 1.024 to 1.026 specific gravity. But for best results, we recommend to maintain salinity at 1.025.
Original Detail
Name | Species | Family | Scientific Name | More Detail | Added by |
Yellow Fiji Leather Coral | Leather Corals | Alcyoniidae | Sarcophyton elegans | In general, species from the Sarcophyton genus takes a mushroom form when they are still at the juvenile stage. However, as they grow bigger, their mushroom shape will no longer exist as folds are formed creating a larger flat colony. When the polyps are fully extended, you cannot see the flesh. Instead, it is covered with tentacles that usually has an average length of 1 centimeter. For the Yellow Fiji Leather Coral, they are predominantly colored yellow with dark yellow polyps. This are the water parameters for cultivating Yellow Fiji Leather Coral:
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