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Also Know As:

| Brevis Shell Dweller

| Brevis Shellie

| Lamprologus Brevis

| Sunspot Brevis

General info about Brevis Shelldweller

Brevis Shelldweller is a dwarf cichlid from Lake Tanganyika, Africa. The water in its natural habitat is very hard and alkaline. They are normally found in deep areas if the lake with soft sub straight where there are shells around. They are peaceful fish and can be around other dwarf cichlids. Males are around 2.5" and females are normally around 1" long, they do well with sand sub straights and lots of different sized shells through the bottom of the tank.

A 15 gallon or larger tank that is well light, with clear water, pH between 8-9, dKh between 10-20 dKh, and temperature between 77-81 degrees.

Brevis Shelldweller Diet & Nutrition

They are not picky eaters and will normally eat a wide range of foods.

Breeding & Spawning Brevis Shelldweller

Ions found in their natural habitat are sodium, magnesium, and potassium. To get them to breed you want to try to mimic their natural habitat as much as possible. You want to keep two females for every male and they are easy to breed. COnsider feeding chopped up krill and shrimp when you are ready to breed them.

Brevis Shelldweller Origin

Native to Lake Tanganyika, Africa

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Original Detail

Name Species Family Scientific Name More Detail Added by
Brevis Shelldweller African Cichlids Cichlidae Neolamprologus brevis

Brevis Shelldweller is a dwarf cichlid from Lake Tanganyika, Africa. The water in its natural habitat is very hard and alkaline. They are normally found in deep areas if the lake with soft sub straight where there are shells around. They are peaceful fish and can be around other dwarf cichlids. Males are around 2.5" and females are normally around 1" long, they do well with sand sub straights and lots of different sized shells through the bottom of the tank.

A 15 gallon or larger tank that is well light, with clear water, pH between 8-9, dKh between 10-20 dKh, and temperature between 77-81 degrees.


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