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Also Know As:

| Blue Danio

| Pearl Danio

General info about Turquoise Danio

This species is blue with golden horizontal stripes, it can reach 2 inches. To keep these fish in captivity, water pH should be between 5.0 and 7.0 and water temperature should range from 73ºF to 77ºF. The tank should be densely planted, it should have rocks, boulders and a gravel substrate. The aquarium should also have a cover since these fish like to jump. It is a peaceful species that can be kept in a community aquarium with similar sized fish, examples of good tankmates are Devario regina and Rasbora borapetensis, amongst others. This species should be kept in groups of at least 8.

Turquoise Danio Diet & Nutrition

This species is omnivorous. In the wild it’s mainly insectivorous, feeding on terrestrial and aquatic insects, however, it will also eat small amounts of algae. In an aquarium, it can be fed with dried, live or frozen foods like bloodworm or Daphnia.

Determining Sex of Turquoise Danio

Adult females are rounder and larger while males are more colorful.

Breeding & Spawning Turquoise Danio

This species is an egg scatterer that shows no parental care. Adults should be separated from the eggs and fry as they may eat them. Eggs take 1 to 2 days to hatch. Fry become free swimming after 7 days.

Turquoise Danio Origin

This species is an egg scatterer that shows no parental care. Adults should be separated from the eggs and fry as they may eat them. Eggs take 1 to 2 days to hatch. Fry become free swimming after 7 days.

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Original Detail

Name Species Family Scientific Name More Detail Added by
Turquoise Danio Danios Minnows Cyprinidae Brachydanio kerri

This species is blue with golden horizontal stripes, it can reach 2 inches. To keep these fish in captivity, water pH should be between 5.0 and 7.0 and water temperature should range from 73ºF to 77ºF. The tank should be densely planted, it should have rocks, boulders and a gravel substrate. The aquarium should also have a cover since these fish like to jump. It is a peaceful species that can be kept in a community aquarium with similar sized fish, examples of good tankmates are Devario regina and Rasbora borapetensis, amongst others. This species should be kept in groups of at least 8.


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