• Name:

    Nemurus Chromis

    (View AKA's)
  • Family: Pomacentridae
  • Species: Chromis
  • Scientific Name: Neopomacentrus nemurus
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Also Know As:

| Coral Demoiselle

| Yellow-Tipped Damsel

| Threadfin Chromis

General info about Nemurus Chromis

The Nemurus Chromis is a small, peaceful, and hardy saltwater fish species that can reach a maximum size of about 3 inches (7.6 cm) in length. They have a blue-green base color with a yellow tail and a distinctive black spot on the upper part of their body. This species is easy to care for and can be kept in a community tank with other peaceful species. The Nemurus Chromis is also known for its vibrant coloration and attractive appearance.

Nemurus Chromis Diet & Nutrition

The Nemurus Chromis is an omnivore species, meaning it feeds on both meaty and plant-based foods. They will readily accept a variety of foods, including small live or frozen foods, as well as high-quality flakes and pellets. A varied diet that includes both meaty and vegetable-based foods will help ensure that they receive all of the necessary nutrients.

Determining Sex of Nemurus Chromis

There are no significant visual differences between male and female Nemurus Chromis, making it challenging to determine their sex.

Breeding & Spawning Nemurus Chromis

The Nemurus Chromis can be bred in captivity, but breeding them can be challenging. It is best to keep a group of young specimens together and wait for a pair to form naturally. Once the pair has formed, they will typically breed in a small cave or crevice. The eggs are deposited on a flat surface, and the male will guard and fan them until they hatch.

Common Diseases with Nemurus Chromis

The Nemurus Chromis is generally hardy and not susceptible to many common diseases. However, they are susceptible to parasitic infections, such as white spot disease. To prevent the occurrence of diseases, it is crucial to maintain high water quality and perform regular water changes.

Nemurus Chromis Origin

The Nemurus Chromis is native to the Indo-Pacific region, specifically the waters around Indonesia, the Philippines, and Malaysia.

Caution with Nemurus Chromis

The Nemurus Chromis is generally peaceful and can be kept with other non-aggressive species. However, they may become aggressive towards other Chromis species if kept in small aquariums or if there is not enough swimming space.

Acclimating Nemurus Chromis

When introducing a Nemurus Chromis to a new aquarium, it is essential to acclimate them slowly to prevent shock. It is recommended to float the bag containing the fish in the aquarium water for about 15 minutes to allow the temperature to equalize. Then, open the bag and add a small amount of aquarium water to the bag every few minutes until the volume of water in the bag has doubled. Finally, use a net to transfer the fish from the bag to the aquarium.

Original Detail

Name Species Family Scientific Name More Detail Added by
Nemurus Chromis Chromis Pomacentridae Neopomacentrus nemurus The Nemurus Chromis is a small, peaceful, and hardy saltwater fish species that can reach a maximum size of about 3 inches (7.6 cm) in length. They have a blue-green base color with a yellow tail and a distinctive black spot on the upper part of their body. This species is easy to care for and can be kept in a community tank with other peaceful species. The Nemurus Chromis is also known for its vibrant coloration and attractive appearance. PalaciosAn

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