• Name:

    Orange fin Clownfish

    (View AKA's)
  • Family: Pomacentridae
  • Species: Clownfish
  • Scientific Name: Amphiprion chrysopterus
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Also Know As:

| Orange fin anemonefish

General info about Orange fin Clownfish

The Orange fin Clownfish has a small head and short body. Their body has a yellow edges with yellowish-brown to dark brown in the middle sides, with two white vertical stripes, the first behind the eye and the second before the anus. The fins are yellow to orange. Juveniles are a dull orange. The tail fins are generally white or yellow. The Orange fin Clownfish normally grows to around 6.5 inches (17 cm) in length.

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Original Detail

Name Species Family Scientific Name More Detail Added by
Orange fin Clownfish Clownfish Pomacentridae Amphiprion chrysopterus

The Orange fin Clownfish has a small head and short body. Their body has a yellow edges with yellowish-brown to dark brown in the middle sides, with two white vertical stripes, the first behind the eye and the second before the anus. The fins are yellow to orange. Juveniles are a dull orange. The tail fins are generally white or yellow. The Orange fin Clownfish normally grows to around 6.5 inches (17 cm) in length.


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