- Name:
Bicolor Goatfish
(View AKA's) - Family: Mullidae
- Species: Goatfish
- Scientific Name: Parupeneus barberinoides
More Details
General info about Bicolor Goatfish
The Bicolor Goatfish has a burgundy anterior and yellow posterior divided by a white band. There is a black dot on the posterior portion and a pair of white stripes on the anterior portion giving it the name Dash and Dot Goatfish. Both head and tail also have blue markings. A large aquarium with plenty of swimming room is recommended, and it needs non-aggressive tank mates. The bottom of the tank should be sandy so it may use its barbels to sift through the substrate in search of food (invertebrates, small crustaceans, worms). Because it eats the invertebrates, the nitrogen load capacity of the sand will be reduced and it will be well-oxygenated due to the sifting.
Original Detail
Name | Species | Family | Scientific Name | More Detail | Added by |
Bicolor Goatfish | Goatfish | Mullidae | Parupeneus barberinoides | The Bicolor Goatfish has a burgundy anterior and yellow posterior divided by a white band. There is a black dot on the posterior portion and a pair of white stripes on the anterior portion giving it the name Dash and Dot Goatfish. Both head and tail also have blue markings. A large aquarium with plenty of swimming room is recommended, and it needs non-aggressive tank mates. The bottom of the tank should be sandy so it may use its barbels to sift through the substrate in search of food (invertebrates, small crustaceans, worms). Because it eats the invertebrates, the nitrogen load capacity of the sand will be reduced and it will be well-oxygenated due to the sifting. | PalaciosAn |
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