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Green Ricordea Mushroom Polyp SaltWater

Corals   Vero Beach   362 views


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Price: $47.99

The Ricordea Mushroom, Ricordea sp., is a species of mushroom coral that is an excellent mushroom for beginner aquarists as it is easy to care for and raise in a home aquarium. They are also commonly known as Flower Mushroom Corals due to their beautiful colorations in greens, reds, oranges, and pinks. This particular specimen is more wholly colored in reds and oranges making it quite a spectacular specimen to behold in a reef tank. In caring for the Ricordea Mushroom, it is necessary to have the proper tank specifications: low water flow is best with moderate to high lighting levels as well as a bottom placement in the tank. You will not need to feed the Ricordea Mushroom anything in particular as they receive most of their nutrients through the photosynthetic ability of micro zooxanthellae that inhabit the coral.